
Welcome to

Vanessa Diaz Design!

As an industrial designer, I strive to use my skills as a way to create products and experiences that leave a lasting impact.

Studying Industrial Design at CSULB provided me with a strong foundation in design principles, ideation, prototyping, 3D modeling, and project management. The hands-on experience and guidance from industry professionals challenged me to think creatively and solve complex problems. Collaborating with classmates on various design projects taught me the importance of teamwork and effective communication in the design process. Overall, my time at CSULB not only honed my technical skills but also nurtured my passion for design.

Through my exploration of design, I have found a passion for soft goods, hard goods, furniture, and experience design. I am passionate about these areas because of the endless creative possibilities they offer whether it be through materials, aesthetic choices, or even just the impact they leave on people.